ONEIROS: 12 Week Online* Collective Dream Temple for Devotional Dreaming & Creative, Collaborative Process
The invitation:
Enter the Dream Temple. Drop beneath the turmoil, clank and clatter of the waking world - beneath the patterns and divides that have formed at the hands of modern day culture. We meet here, inside Dream - at the collective place of offering and nourishment. The nexus of the multiplicitous reality where possibility can be both sourced and seeded.
We come together to seek the thread that weaves your Dream to my Dream, to our Dream, to the Dream of all humanity, the Cosmos and the Earth herself. We gather to find ways to repair and repattern the fabric of reality through our shared visions.
So come dreamers, come visionaries, come creators, comes rebels and activists, come those who live outside boxes and seek the shared landscape of the liminal. Meet us here, in Dream.
“Nico did a dreamwork session for my bandmate and me during the writing of our last album. It helped us unearth some of the imagery that wanted to be summoned in those songs. She was able to meet us where we were at and speak our language and it was a deep pleasure. Nico has a way of dropping into a very deep place almost casually, like ‘please pass the salt’. She does it with ease and humility and never a trace of pretense or judgment. She’s a guide in the truest sense, in that she makes the vast and incomprehensible land of the unconscious feel like a terrain that is safe to explore.”
The call:
During this 12 week Dream Temple, we will engage with Dream as muse for cultural influence and societal change.
Dream Sourcing is the practice of asking Dream for insight and inspiration beyond what linear thought can provide in waking life. Through this practice, we will draw upon oceans of creativity that will move us as a collective, well beyond the shorelines of what we think we know.
We will ride these currents through Dreaming gates to seek answers and prescription, only to reorient ourselves within the depths of inquiry that may shift the very way we see reality.
Why Dream?
During these times of great turmoil, when politicians are failing us and societal structures are crumbling, we turn to Dream as our North Star. We navigate these wayward times by becoming vessels of the boundless creativity and possibility that moves through Dream.
Dream can (and has been know to) shift tides. It is not irrelevant that, throughout history, Dream has brought us scientific breakthrough, influential music, theater, writing; it has been known that the artists, the visionaries, the Dreamers are the ones that affect societal fabric in ways that bring real and lasting change.
In this sacred container, we call to the genius that can and will arrive through Dream so that it might be offered up as sacrament; so that any form arising from Dream becomes the shared sustenance that feeds connectivity and right relationship with the All that Is.
Coming to this work asks that you show up in ways that leave the ego and personal agenda behind in order to immerse fully into the collective, collaborative, world-changing potential of Dream. We will cease to own the material of our Dreams and instead offer up our Dreaming bodies as vessels for change.
This work is revolutionary and will stretch you. It will ask for your complete devotion and courage. It will honor and give space for both the absurd and the sanctity of Dream as medicine for these times.
Please indicate your desire to meet in person when you fill out the application below.
The details…
Dates and times (new rounds begins in mid January, concludes mid April):
Please select which time works best for you on the application below. If neither time works, you may also indicate that on your application as a third group may form.
We will be taking a brief pause during the holiday for some guided independent work.
Dream Cell 1 (Starts in January) Open for applications: Wednesday evenings 5:30pm PST / 6:30pm MT/ 8:30pm EST / *8:30am Thursdays, Singapore time (starts 12/13/23)
Dream Cell 2 (FULLY SUBSCRIBED) : Mondays 11am PST / 12pm MT / 2pm EST / *6pm UK time (starts 12/4/23)
Dream Cell 3: new time forming!! apply and note when works for you if the above times don’t.
*Please be sure to check time conversion for daylight savings. All times will be based on MT
The Container:
This container will be held for 12 weeks. We meet 3 times per month for 90 minutes and engage with a group Dream prompt and practice on off weeks. An online community platform (Night House) will be available for additional, optional interaction and reflection.
This container also includes one optional 30 min private mentorship call which may be scheduled any time during the course.
The Practice:
Participants will be invited to work with dream in a way that evokes the practice of Devotional Dreaming, wherein we will offer the material of our dreaming to the co-creative re-making of waking reality.
We will work with the following practices:
Intentional Dreaming
Dream Sourcing
Dream Reflection
Dream Weaving
Dream Tending and Incubating
Shamanic Journey
Yoga Nidra
Dreaming Key and induced hypnogogic and hynopompic states
Merging practices with Dreaming Allies
Somatic Dreamwork & Movement
Practice around creative and collaborative process
Work with Dream Recall and Dream Enhancement through Dreaming herbs
Please know that this container will be alive and moving with Spirit and whatever might be moving for the group as a whole. While there will be learning opportunities, expect a held sacred experience rather than linear curriculum.
Who this work is for:
All are welcome. You need not consider yourself an artist, writer, dancer, actor, creative to participate, but this work might be of particular interest to you if you identify as such. This work is open to all genders, identities, level of experience - you’re welcome to apply even if Dream work is entirely new to you. All participants are asked to show up to this container with an attitude of devotion and curiosity with a passion for connection, bringing change and offering up beauty to this world.
$444 paid up front (save $36) or 3 monthly payments of $160.
Limited need-based scholarships available, see note below.