Neptune’s Dream Lab:
An Online Odyssey of Embodied Astrology and Creative Dreamwork for Artists and Visionaries
Neptune’s Dream Lab is a two part creative incubator and dream laboratory inspired by Neptune and Saturn’s co-presence in Pisces. Within the vessel of this exploratory and adventurous work, Nico Wolf and Elena Greenlee will guide you on a journey through the primordial waters of dreaming, group ritual and personal practice dedicated to the dissolution of our creative blocks and recalibration of our creative bodies.
This container is appropriate for all who are yearning to deepen and nurture their connection with the vital life force and culture-shifting power found in creativity, imagination, and inspiration. Our journey together will encourage creative works based on our explorations and include a virtual multimedia gallery to share these expressions of all kinds (visual, spoken, written, movement etc.) within our group as well as a curated final show open to the public.
Click here to join.
Why Neptune?
“Neptune is associated with the transcendent, spiritual, ideal, symbolic, and imaginative dimensions of life; with the subtle, formless, intangible, and invisible; with the unitive, timeless, immaterial, and infinite; with all that which transcends the limited literal temporal and material world of concretely empirical reality: myth and religion, art and inspiration, ideals and aspirations, images and reflections, symbols and metaphors, dreams and visions, mysticism, religious devotion, universal compassion…with tendencies towards illusion and delusion, deception and self-deception, escapism, intoxication, psychosis, perceptual and cognitive distortions, conflation and confusion, projection, fantasy; with the bedazzlement of consciousness whether by gods, archetypes, beliefs, dreams, ideals, or ideologies; with enchantment, in both positive and negative senses.”
~Richard Tarnas, Cosmos and Psyche

Through this odyssey we will explore:
Rewilding your relationship to Dream
Embodying the astrological blueprint of your creativity
Liberating authentic impulse to dissolve creative blocks
Unleashing ecstatic inspiration within your creative practice
Making space for grief and joy in your life’s work
Harnessing self expression as a tool of belonging to the collective
and seeding creative vision for cultural change
You will learn the creative dreaming practices of Dream Seeding, Dream Tracking, Dream Reflection, Dream Re-entry and Dream Weaving. You will explore, in depth, the creative impulse as it is expressed in your astrological chart through the placement of Neptune by birth and transit and the signature of your 5th house of creative joy.
Each week, you will be guided to hold intentional space for the multiplicitous nature of your creativity in both group and independent work. Through live ritual, you will be held in a container of reverence for the collective dream, harnessing the power of community to track alchemical shifts in your embodied experience, emergent creative identity, and refined sense of purpose and belonging.

This Work is offered in Two Parts:
(You can sign up for Part I as a stand alone (just choose the monthly payment plan), but Part I is prerequisite to Part II)
Part I: July 21st - Sept 29th
Dissolving into Dream
Here we will set the foundations of our ritual Dreaming practice and create a safe container within which to dissolve structures that are impeding the free flow of our authentic self-expression. Practices such as Dream reflection, the Dreaming Key, Dream Reentry and Oracular Dreamwork will be explored.
We will also study the natal placements of Neptune and Saturn in our charts and harness the energy of both planets’ Retrograde motion to reconnect with deeper sources of inspiration and reintegrate our personal process into the wider web of imagination.
Part II: Oct 13th - Dec 22nd
Shifting Shapes
Part II will work with Saturn’s turning direct to play with the wise and fluid forms that our creative spirit is being called to embody. Through the 8 doors of dreaming we will venture deeper into the landscape of Dream. We will also befriend the Dreaming ally of the Black Mirror to heighten the depth of our Oracular Dreaming.
We will also examine Neptune and Saturn by transit in our personal birth charts to discover how and where we are currently serving the weaving of a new collective Dream, and awakening to our power to spin a new reality into being.
The Structure:
Each of the two parts of this Odyssey include…
2 live calls per month:
- one 90 min group practice of Ritual and Embodied Astrology
- one 60 minute Dream Sharing and Reflection circle1 Pre-recorded Lesson on Dreaming & Liminal Arts Practice per month.
1 One-on-One Session per month: Alternating Astrological Readings w/ Elena and Creative Visioning sessions w/ Nico (30 mins online)
A Private Online Community & Digital Gallery Space for community engagement and ongoing dream and art reflections
Part Two will culminate in a public showing of our curated Virtual Multi-Media Gallery and final dream weave.
Jump to our Lab Schedule…

About your guides:
Nico & Elena are liminal artists, designers, filmmakers, poets, writers, astrologers, Earth lovers and ritualists who’ve been working together in creative and collaborative space for over 6 years. They share a passion for Dream as a way to connect to the Liminal Spaces that inspire creativity for personal and collective liberation.
Elena is a polyglot and multicultural writer, filmmaker, performer and a mother, originally from NYC now living in rural Vermont. She’s passionate about unearthing the gifts that lay dormant in our ancestral lineages and playing with mythopoetic language to reframe the narratives we are living into personally and collectively. Elena’s current pursuits include a life long study of heartfelt connection while unlearning the constraints of cynicism and restrictive intellectual norms. Elena loves to teach astrology as an embodied pathway to richer self-expression. She warmly welcomes you to our community of artists & spirited companions.
More info: thethird.house
Nico is here hold the container in which our community can share, explore and expand into the world of Dreams! She's passionate about the ways that dreaming with intention, and in community, can help to re-write and re-imagine the stories we find ourselves in. Dreams offer generative, innovative perspectives and the chance to seed new realities. Nico is here to facilitate both exploration and integration of this. She leads workshops through this platform and in person about Dreaming practice and ritual is also available for 1:1 mentoring.
More info: nicogoldenwolf.com
“Art and magic are closely allied. The power to make something out of nothing, to create worlds from the illusive stuff of the imagination, is an act which – even to those who regularly engage upon it – partakes of a numinous element.”
~Liz Greene, The Astrological Neptune

Some kind words from people we’ve worked with…
“Nico did a dreamwork session for my bandmate and me during the writing of our last album. It helped us unearth some of the imagery that wanted to be summoned in those songs. She was able to meet us where we were at and speak our language and it was a deep pleasure. Nico has a way of dropping into a very deep place almost casually, like ‘please pass the salt’. She does it with ease and humility and never a trace of pretense or judgment. She’s a guide in the truest sense, in that she makes the vast and incomprehensible land of the unconscious feel like a terrain that is safe to explore.” — Anaïs Mitchell (member of Bonny Light Horseman & Creator of the Broadway musical Hadestown)
“Elena’s energy is very special. She understands your thoughts without talking, reads your dreams without interpretation and speaks to our ancestors without interfering. She is a great listener and talented performer. She should be on everyone’s path at some point”. - Vanessa S.
“When I was in a crossroads in all of my life’s passions- artistic, educational, physical and emotional, I required some elucidation. Elena offered me insight into the questions I had through the application of tarot. I still have a picture of the cards and notes from the reading, which was over two years ago. The analysis and discussion of the reading gave me insight into things I had not considered, and helped me be steadfast in making some important decisions in my life”. — S.T.
“Nico has a gift for welcoming in all that is. Her approach is gentle and expansive, allowing the archetypes to enter the work and express themselves. In her workshops, everything belongs, each voice and image given its rightful place in the fold. ” — Kim Krans, artist & author of The Wild Unknown Tarot

Our Lab Schedule:
Part I:
Dissolving into Dream
July 21st Opening Ceremony
August 4th Circle
August 18th Ceremony
September 1st Circle
September 15th Ceremony
September 29th Circle
Part II:
Shifting Shapes
October 13th Ceremony
October 27th Circle
November 10th Ceremony
November 24th Circle
December 8th Ceremony
December 22nd Closing
Note: Personalized 1:1 Astrological Readings and Creative Visioning Sessions can be booked as suits via Nico’s & Elena’s personal websites (links to schedule will be sent upon registration)
The Exchange:
This Creative Incubation Space is offered on a three-tiered pricing model.
You can pay month by month for either Part I on its own (first 3 months) or for both Parts I and II (all 6 months), or sign up and pay in full for all 6 months at a discounted rate.
Note: Our three-tiered pricing model is intended as a form of mutual aid and resource redistribution. Alexis J. Cunningfolk created this model (and wording below), an economic justice tool that enables people to adjust payment based on access to resources. Please be mindful that if you select a price at the lowest end of the scale when you can afford the higher fee, you are limiting access to those who truly need the financial flexibility.
Please read the text on the dropdown beneath each image to help gauge where you fall on the scale based on access to resources, and please pay what you can to support the facilitation of this work.
Please read our Terms & Conditions here before signing up.
Select your tier & sign up to join us via the buttons below…
Bottom of the Scale
I frequently stress about meeting basic needs & don’t always achieve them
I have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs
I rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing
I do not have a car and/or have limited access to a car but I am not always able to afford gas
I am unemployed or underemployed
I qualify for government assistance including food stamps & health care
I have no access to savings
I have no or very limited expendable income
I rarely buy new items because I am unable to afford them
I cannot afford a vacation or have the ability to take time off without financial burden
This tier reflects an honest acknowledgment that there are folks whose economic circumstances would prevent them from being able to access services if there was not a deliberate opportunity made for them to access services at a cost that is reflective of their economic realities. If you struggle to maintain access to basic needs such as health care, housing, food, child care, and are living paycheck to paycheck or are in significant debt, you likely belong here.
Middle of the Scale
I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly achieve them
I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs
I own or lease a car
I am employed
I have access to health care
I might have access to financial savings
I have some expendable income
I am able to buy some new items & I thrift others
I can take a vacation annually or every few years without financial burden
* Basic Needs include food, housing, health care, and transportation.
** Expendable Income might mean you are able to buy coffee or tea at a shop, go to the movies or a concert, buy new clothes, books, and similar items each month, etc.This tier reflects how paying the full cost would prevent some people from being able to attend, but who do not honestly find themselves reflected in either descriptions for Tier 3 or Tier 1. If you are struggling to conquer debt or build savings or move away from paycheck to paycheck living but have access to steady income and are not spending most of your time thinking about meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, child care, etc., you belong here. If you, however, can ask others for financial support, such as family members, partners, or friends, please consider using those personal resources.
Top of the scale:
I am comfortably able to meet all of my basic* needs
I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs
I own my home or property OR I rent a higher-end property
I own or lease a car
I am employed or do not need to work to meet my needs
I have regular access to health care
I have access to financial savings
I have an expendable** income
I can always buy new items
I can afford an annual vacation or take time off
* Basic Needs include food, housing, health care, and transportation.
** Expendable Income might mean you are able to buy coffee or tea at a shop, go to the movies or a concert, buy new clothes, books, and similar items each month, etc.
This tier reflects the full cost of services. If you have access to financial security, own property or have personal savings, you would not traditionally qualify for sliding scale services. If you are able to pay for "wants" and spend little time worried about securing necessities in your life, you have economic privilege and power in our community. This price is likely for you.

About the Astrology we’ll be navigating:
Neptune currently teeters at the final degree of Pisces – a transit that began in 2011 and will conclude at the close of 2025, never to return in our lifetimes. Pisces is an archetypal energy associated with moving water, water that changes form and state – this is the primordial water that binds all life through its never ending cycles. These are the waters of the collective unconscious as Jung called it, the waters of all possibility, the fluid state of the dreamworld, the ever regenerative source of creativity.
These years of the planet of dissolution traveling the watery temple of changing tides has been a time of so much erosion of what we previously held to be a shared moral ground. It has been a time of so much hope and inspiration around a possible spiritual awakening for humanity through ever increasing awareness of our interconnectivity. It has been a time of great confusion around our sense of reality as well as a time of embodying imagination and living into dreams that previously were relegated to the realm of impossibility.
For the final three years of Neptune’s transit here, the planet Saturn (Saturn being the bringer of form and structure and limits) is cohabiting the waters of Pisces.This brings material consequence to our shifting ideals, and allows us to see the shapes our collective (conscious and unconscious) imaginings are imposing upon our shared reality.
As artists and visionaries, when we seek the realization of our creative impulse, when we find forms to transmit our enchanted experience of imagination and inspiration, we are harnessing the archetypes of Neptune and Saturn in union. We are maturing (Saturn) our relationship to our dreams (Neptune), we are practicing discernment (Saturn) in the fog of illusion (Neptune), and giving form (Saturn) to the infinite (Neptune). With fluid (Neptune) discipline (Saturn) we engage in practices to sustain this state of porosity and communion with the wilds of our creative landscape, while remaining grounded and guided by a sense of purpose and right relationship.
So let us devote ourselves deeply to the new form that our creative process and vision is seeking to express through us. Let's open our awareness of the transformation that our creative bodies are undergoing in Neptune’s laboratory and become conscious co-creators of the paths our visions are dancing us down. Let us walk together the tightrope of discipline and surrender and become more masterful and artful in our liminality.
No! Art need not be your money maker or principal professional identity in order to be your birthright! This container is right for humans of all stripes who are yearning to find right relationship and flow with your desire to create whether your creations be in the form of works of performing, literary or visual arts, healing relationships, harmonious homes, or simply an artful inhabitance of your unique human form.
No! We are ready to support you to make creative breakthroughs with a particular project if you are so called, and also to support you in relation to your creative process overall, and your creative nature!
No! Our dreamwork practices start from the fundamentals, making them accessible to beginners. For those who have been working with dreams for many years, this lab offers a new and refreshing angle. We move beyond interpretive or analytical approaches, focusing instead on engaging with dreams on their own terms, using their unique language and logic. This approach allows for a deeper and more personal connection with your dream world.
No! We approach astrology on an archetypal level, making it relatable for all humans, regardless of prior knowledge. While we will work with your unique astrological signatures, exact birth time and place are not mandatory. If you know your exact birth time and place, that’s wonderful – it will enrich your experience. However, even with just your birth date or month, we can create a workable astrological map for you, ensuring you can fully participate and benefit from the course.