Nico Wolf
Founder / Facilitator / Practitioner / Guide / Transdisciplinary Artist

Nico has a way of dropping into a very deep place almost casually, like ‘please pass the salt’. She does it with ease and humility and never a trace of pretense or judgment. She’s a guide in the truest sense, in that she makes the vast and incomprehensible land of the unconscious feel like a terrain that is safe to explore.
— Anaïs Mitchell (member of Bonny Light Horseman & Creator of Hadestown)
Nico has a gift for welcoming in all that is. Her approach is gentle and expansive, allowing the archetypes to enter the work and express themselves. In her workshops, everything belongs, each voice and image given its rightful place in the fold.
— Kim Krans, artist and author of The Wild Unknown Tarot

Nico Wolf (Nicole Haciba Burke) is a healing practitioner, trans-disciplinary artist, writer, guide and facilitator of dreamwork, ceremony, embodiment practices, Earth wisdom ways and animistic-based healing work. Her work incites rebellion against the status quo and invites fellow humans toward endless curiosity, courageous authenticity, compassion, and connectivity.

For 10 years, Nico and her husband Ryan stewarded Golden Well Sanctuary - a retreat and regenerative farm in central Vermont devoted to re-potentiating our relationship with the living Earth through cultivating deeper and more meaningful connections between Nature, Spirit, Self and Community. After selling their farm, the couple moved to the wilds of Brooklyn, NY for a year where they transitioned their work to School of Liminal Arts - a platform to house not only their offerings, but to expand into more creative collaborations. They explored Europe for a year and returned to New Mexico in 2023 where they plan to settle for a while.

Born in Hong Kong to a Moroccan/Algerian mother and an Irish/Polish/American father, Nico’s work is influenced by a life of multiculturalism, travel, adventure and seeking new perspectives. In addition to nearly two decades in the healing arts, her experiences range from artist and fashion designer to beekeeper, organic farmer and ceremonialist. Nico has undertaken several formal apprenticeships in Japanese medicine and acupressure, Classical Shamanism, and Shamanic practice based on the wisdom of the serpent and the honeybee. 

Nico’s diverse background and multi-faceted worldview has inspired her to create spaces that elicit a deep sense of anything-goes-ness, belonging and freedom where the full palate of human expression and creative impulse comes to the surface. Through her group and private sessions, she ushers participants towards the transformation that can occur when finding oneself in unexpected and non-dual realities.

“Nico weaves the fabric of liminal realm with mastery. A powerful healer and enchantress, she carries connection between the many layers of life and mystery. As a mentor, she holds generous architecture around learning. Creates space for moving ceremony. A portal and a channel. Will carry you places and bring messages and medicine back. Dreamer and dream weaver. She watches over this world and midwifes it across change with entire devotion.” - Jaden, Student



“Working with Nico opened a portal to a deep remembering. Nico’s ability to hold space for a group is like few I’ve seen. Her courses are for anyone seeking a stronger alignment with self, spirit, earth. I am eternally grateful to Nico and the teaching of this deep wisdom.”
- Sophia Calvi, Director of Programs, Franklin Environmental Center, Middlebury College

“Working with Nico feels like Being held. With grace, clarity and a great deal of wit, Nico brings to bear the magic and medicine of her own full lived and ever-honing intuitive knowing. I feel seen in my own power. I feel courted into the places of relatedness I do not know, with fierceness, honesty, and wild breathing imagination.”
- Hannah Abrams, student of Dance 

Nico introduced me to the wisdom of the dark in a way I had never experienced, ushering me into a communal space of warmth within the depth of the unknown. Learning with her, I felt no doubt that there is magic within and around us all, within liminal spaces we can greet through embodiment, surrender, and practice. In a moment in time in the world where light seems to be upheld as supreme, Nico’s work is soothing medicine. It is like the water of a moonlit river welcoming us, in the quiet of ourselves, back to each other.”
-Liv, Student of Dance and Environmentalism

“Nico humbly captures the essence of the creative muse and beyond.  As an artist, working both individually and in group process with Nico as a mentor has provided me with the support to draw on my authentic intuition to truly believe in the power of my art.  Nico has provided me the opportunity to expand my palette and explore parts of myself, the worlds and my creativity that have influenced my art-making journey in unexpected ways. Working with Nico has provided me a compass to understand and embody my art in ways that span beyond the languages of knowing. This experience with Nico has been inspiring and meaningful and has nourished and continues to nourish my creative spirit.”
-Anonymous mixed media ceramic artist, (she/her)

“The mentoring program was tailored to fit my individual needs. The sessions are authentic and inspirational. It is a challenge to find a teacher with such broad experience and Nico is a gifted and talented mentor. She is compassionate, understanding, and an extremely knowledgeable guide. Our sessions took my learning to an entirely different level, and I am forever grateful.”
-S.A. Morris, Illustrator & Author

“My work with Nico and our group left me feeling deeply embodied in love and curious to explore more of my own depth. It was a breath of fresh air to witness sisters and myself commit our hearts, attention, and time to opening up to the messages awaiting us beyond the veil. It was a blessing to be able to hold and reflect for each other. The container of a safe space combined with the experience of sharing with others,  all while doing this from my own home helped to support and integrate a new way of seeing into my lifestyle.”
-Melissa Mae, yoga teacher and wellness guide

“I went into working with Nico with little experience in the subject matter, but with an open mind in answering the Call. No matter where you are on your journey, your sisters will meet you there. The practices learned are like moonbeams, enlightening sides of ourselves long forgotten and tying us to the sky and earth. Nico’s emphasis on deep healing and trusting in intuition fosters a space where creativity and love can flow, and her dedication to teaching is bottomless. You will not regret taking part in this work if it chooses you.”
-Paige Wener, Organic Farmer

“This work is much needed for navigating complex times of transformation and transition, death and rebirth. Nico's facilitating of the work is as gentle and safe as it is deep and empowering. I highly recommend taking this dive into connecting with land and sisterhood, no matter where you are on your spiritual path. Expect to connect with practices that feel simple and transporting, and women who will refresh your spirit and remember your roots all at once.”
-Elena Greenlee, Facilitator, Director, Writer, Tarot & Astrology

“The healing work I entrusted Nicole with has been nothing short of transformative. I came to her during a time of uncertainty and confusion; I felt a shift after just one treatment/session. With gentle yet powerful guidance, wisdom and a bouquet of healing modalities/techniques, Nicole helped me to remember and re-integrate parts of myself I had forgotten ever existed. The work we did together was deep, heavy, and at times out of my current knowing/understanding; Nicole guided me gently through it each step of the way. I am forever grateful that I turned to Nicole and trusted her with this important work. I have never felt more held or understood. My life changed in ways I never could have imagined.”

-Jessica, Vermont

“I was very struck by Nico’s calming, nurturing, intuitive and disciplined abilities from the moment I sat down until our big hug goodbye. She emanates a certain strength, composed of a trained union of mind, body and spirit that is immediately evident and is amazingly connected but incredibly grounded at the same time. I felt that there is every indication that, in the words of Permaculturist David Jacke, she is a truly "cultivated human being". The healing session put me into another world- by the end, I had drifted so far into an indescribable ocean of peace that it took several moments for me to come out of it and respond to Nico. In addition to the healing work, her lifestyle suggestions for additions and subtractions to my diet have eliminated chronic acid reflux and dramatically improved the health of my skin. Nico is a rare gem, a true healer that understands the present and urgently important and sacred role of the power of the female and with a quiet grace she lovingly incorporates it into every word and action.
- John, NYC